Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Thanks to everyone who prayed for Carter today. His doctor said the surgery went well and he really needed those adenoids removed because of the size they were. Carter wasn't as apprehensive as I thought he'd be when we got to the hospital. Usually the sight of someone in scrubs really upsets him, but as soon as the nurse turned on The Wiggles in the pre-op room, he warmed right up. He loves to take medicine (really, he does), so when it was time to take the "goofy juice" he opened up wide. After about 15-20 minutes later, he was "drunk" from the medicine and making the silliest noises. Their hope was that he wouldn't cry when they took him away from us, but he did anyway. Of course he did- he wouldn't be Carter without crying for his Mommy- goofy juice or no goofy juice. Luckily, his anesthesiologist is our neighbor, so she kept us updated and said he did really well with all of the anesthesia. I must admit, I wasn't prepared for all of that. When he got his first set of tubes, the anesthesia was local and he woke up right away and was more hungry than anything else. This time, when we got back to him after about an hour-long surgery, he was so disoriented and trying to pry the IV out of his hand. He did drink really well (out of a bottle- OH MY!) but he was so uncomfortable and had thick drainage from the surgery.
We got him home and he slept most of the day and ate a few bites of soft foods throughout the day. Tonight, he started wanting to play. He and his Daddy played with all of the Mickey Mouse toys and read his favorite books over and over and over. He went to bed for me rather easily, although it was about an hour past his normal 8:30 bedtime.
We are supposed to keep Carter calm...this is the funny part...for 2 weeks. I can't keep Carter calm for 2 minutes, let alone 2 weeks. But, we'll do the best we can. This is what you can pray for now...calm, peace, patience for all of us.


Danielle said...

I'm so relieved to hear that everything went well! Carter is a trooper and I knew he would do well. That is hilarious advice to tell someone to keep a near 2-year old calm! Like you said, 2 minutes maybe, but 2 WEEKS?! Good luck with that. Hopefully this will be the last of the ear debacle for a while!

Michelle Stockton said...

Thanks so much for the update. I can't even imagine! You are a strong woman, Courtney. I will keep your family in prayer.